More about the book

The title of the book is “Early Retirement Extreme — A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence”. In terms of physical properties, it is 238 pages long and has 400+ words per page. The ink-density is high, a comparable e-book would be 500 pages long.

click here to order (more ordering details are given in the previous post)

The book took 22 months to write and 5 months to edit. It is not a blog-to-book book in the sense of stringing together a bunch of blog posts and passing it off as a book. Aside from one section in the book, I have written everything from scratch.

The aim of the book was to present the ERE theories and principles in a coherent and cohesive fashion(*). It took a lot of thinking/work/research to do that since my blogging has been less than organized and also incomplete in terms of covering the material. The results is that the book reads more or less like a text book. I think it contains everything you want to know about extreme early retirement. It will give you the philosophy, the generalized principles, and examples and techniques of how to apply them.

It does not contain any step-by-step plan (although I will write such a book if the demand for it proves sufficiently high). Instead it gives you the tools to formulate your own plan.

The reason for this choice is the realization that everybody’s situation is different. In my experience very few people who read my blog are willing to follow prescriptions to the letter. There are always special exceptions. Consequently, the book has been written in a way to allow readers to formulate their own plans while retaining the extreme financial efficiencies that characterize ERE.

(*) I probably have to confess something here. Once I started writing the book (June 2008), I saved my best ideas for the book—if you wonder where all the diagrams I used in make for my early posts went; well, now you know.

In summary, I have put a lot of work into the book. I suspect that if you like the blog, you’ll love the book. At least that has been my intention.

Early mentions:

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Originally posted 2010-09-30 22:58:56.