Category Archives: 401k,Retirement,Taxes

I Am 58 With $1 Million in My 401(k). Should I Switch to Roth Contributions?

I Am 58 With $1 Million in My 401(k). Should I Switch to Roth Contributions? Whether to make the move from contributing to a tax-deferred workplace plan or switch to a Roth isn’t a question of “should” but a question

Ask an Advisor: Can I Retire at 55? I Have $760k, Plus a Rental Property, Pension and Disability Benefits

I’m a 43-year-old woman with a partner (not legally married) and no kids. I currently have $500,000 in a 401(k) and contribute up to the pre-tax limit every year, plus $10,000 in non-deductible contributions. I have $50,000 in an IRA