Category Archives: Personal Finance,Retirement

What is a Good Monthly Retirement Income for Women Entrepreneurs?

If you’ve been successful in your entrepreneurial ventures, you probably have some means of income for your retirement, but usually, entrepreneurs, particularly women entrepreneurs, need to supplement their monthly retirement income to maintain their lifestyle. 

Annuities: 15 Things You Must Know to Save You Time and Money

The prospect of having some sort of guaranteed retirement income is particularly attractive in today’s uncertain financial climate.

How to Find the Present Value of an Annuity

Because annuities offer advantages like regular lifetime payments, premium protection, tax-deferred growth, unlimited contributions, and various investment options, they should be a part of your retirement plan.

Types of Annuities and How they Work

If you want to buy a taco, you have several different options based on your preferences and dietary needs. The same is true with annuities. There are different types that are designed to meet your specific retirement needs.